Well, to start out, I am a noob at blogging. Just throwing it out there. Seeing as to how it took me like 30 minutes to just set this thing up.
Alrighty then. My name is Hunter. And I am from Alaska. That is where the title came from. ha. ha.
I don't know if I should tell all of you freaks out there on the awesome interwebs anything about me. But I am going to. Because I am a rebel. (not really at all though).
Now, about me.
- I am a varsity football player. But not the douchey kind that steals your lunch money. More like the kind that is on the football team because its the only sport that I am remotely good at.
- I have a blog. If you were unable to tell.
- I like most kinds of music. Except for country and classical. Both make me want to crane-kick a baby.
- I am one of the most hardcore procrastinators you well ever find. In your life.
- I believe that old people are the coolest things since dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets. And I mean that.
You're great, seriously.